Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Solo album now available!

I have finally got around to do my first solo album, which contains experimental plunderphonics of slowed-down material.

Link below:

Friday, September 9, 2022
It's been a year.

A year ago tomorrow will be the 1st anniversary of the "Luna Sparks" Autumn Sounds release that included a limited-cassette release for the very first time, which gave my project a boost for a few months. There's still around 3 cassettes remaining on Autumn Sounds' Bandcamp page.

I would like to personally thank Mr. Stephen Matejka for his contribution in making the Luna Sparks cassettes, you did an amazing job.

Also, here's a link to the Luna Sparks release on Autumn Sounds.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022
MIDI World of Freedom now has a website!

So after creating three albums, I figured it was time for me to create a website for the MIDI-experimental project.

This area will be used to post any personal updates regarding myself and my project.

Enjoy. :3